Meet Ron Clinton, P.T., M.Ed, Certified MDT

Ron ClintonRon Clinton has been passionately practicing and educating physical therapy for over 35 years. He served as the coordinator of back care at Henry Ford Hospital from 1987 to 1990 and Crittenton Hospital from 1992 to 2000, where he won “Patient Educator of the Year”. During this time, he honed his skills in spinal therapy and became a certified McKenzie and directional preference trained providers physical therapist, specializing in joint therapy.

Recognized as a leading authority in his field, Ron regularly facilitates seminars for physical therapists and shares his extensive knowledge with business and industry leaders. He has delivered hundreds of presentations and is available as a speaker for your business, industry, or community group.

Notably, Ron and his team of therapists have garnered recognition from The Cleveland Clinic for their exceptional success in treating Michigan residents dealing with significant headache symptoms. Referred by local spinal surgeons and pain specialists, the most challenging cases are entrusted to Ron and his dedicated team due to their exceptional success rate.

Ron’s dedication to helping others extends beyond his clinical practice. He has authored several books, including “Self-Manage Knee Pain: 52 Tips Before Considering Injections or Surgery” and “How to Prevent Burnout and Achieve Personal Well Being”. Additionally, he has conducted numerous workshops on stress management and has been sought after for interviews on radio and television programs to share his expertise.

Ron is involved in numerous charitable and humanitarian initiatives. He began his career in physical therapy when his commitment to non-violence led him to it instead of joining the military during the Vietnam War.


Ron Clinton has pooled his over 4 decades of clinical practice with his education and the science of rehabilitative medicine to offer consumers with a truly practical and comprehensive document on knee pain. More importantly and specifically, the “52 Tips to Self Manage Knee Pain” is written in a manner for all to consume – and apply – with ease. Consumers of this booklet may range from experienced clinicians, hoping to improve their educational points, to patients with knee pain themselves. This manuscript informs the reader and respectfully considers all angles of “why”: more function, higher quality of life, less risk, and lower expense. Readers benefit in two additional, unexpected ways through this resource. The first is the many misconceptions and myths that are clearly debunked – providing all of us with the “what to do”, but also unveiling what is hype and unproven. The second is that these 52 tips are about knee pain, yet persons with back pain, facing surgical recommendations, can also benefit from more than half of the applications found within.
As a Fellow of the American Physical Therapy Association, internationally-invited speaker, author, practice owner and clinician for more than three decades myself – my patients and colleagues will benefit from Mr. Clinton’s work for years to come!



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